System Preferences - Alerts

Alerts are the reminders that are displayed for To Do Tasks (e.g. Tasks created or edited in Employee | Tasks). These settings apply to the display and behaviour of these alerts.

Field Explanation
Manager Options
Pop-up position Specifies where the alerts are to be displayed within the HR3pay window. Select Auto or choose a specific location.
Max alerts shown at once When you log in to HR3 payroll multiple task reminders may be displayed. Additional reminders can pop-up once you close previous reminders. This option specifies how many task reminders you want to have displayed at once.
Size Options
Width You may specify the width and height of the alert when it is displayed. This is measured in pixels.
Auto width The size of the reminder will be adjusted automatically to the size of the subject/message contents.
Auto height
Animation Options
Animation to show These options can be used to specify how the alerts will be displayed/hidden. You may wish to experiment with the settings to find those that you prefer.
Direction to show
Animation to hide
Direction to hide
Behaviour Options
Display time This option specifies how long the alert will be displayed on screen (assuming you don't 'Snooze' or 'Dismiss' the alert).
Days history to display You may specify how old alerts can be before they are no longer displayed. This looks at the Reminder date set in the task, and if this is within the Days History specified, the alert will still be displayed. After the initial reminder date/time has passed, if you have not set another 'Snooze' date/time, the alert is displayed each time you log in to HR3 payroll.
Close on right click If you choose this option, it allows you to close the alert simply by right clicking within the alert window. It will be displayed again when you log in to HR3pay (if the original reminder date is within the Days History specified).
Hot-tracking By default each alert that is displayed appears translucent. With Hot-tracking selected, hover your mouse over the alert and it becomes a solid pop-up window.

Once alerts are displayed and then automatically hidden (and you haven't Snoozed or Dismissed them) a blue envelope is displayed in the Task Tray for your PC. You may right click or double click on this blue envelope to re-display all reminders:

Alerts in the Task Tray

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